- 被拒绝,也是一种肯定 (view on Google Sidewiki)
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挫折 |
- 被拒绝,也是一种肯定 (view on Google Sidewiki)
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Debug in Matlab GUIDE |
1. add a button callback
with callback fcn. "keyboard".
one word!!!
2. get gui handle through guidata fcn.
handleGUI = findobj(0, 'Tag','This is the GUI that I want to find')
handles = guidata(handleGUI);
%%% if handle visibility is set to 'off' or 'callback', it's better to use findall instead of findobj...
"handleGUI = findobj(0, 'Tag','This is the GUI that I want to find') and again: handles = guidata(handleGUI);"
- Adding a debug button to a MATLAB GUI. | Doug's MATLAB Video Tutorials (view on Google Sidewiki)